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May 16, 2024

German Broadcasters are Trying to Stay Relevant

The battle between streaming and linear TV continues, with both sides vying for viewers’ attention. While streaming platforms dominate, traditional broadcasters are finding ways to stay relevant. By: K Dass.

Germany - It appears that even in this era of streaming dominance, German broadcasters continue to grapple with traditional challenges.

Thomas Gottshalk’s Absence: ZDF, a public network, misses Thomas Gottshalk, a German TV personality who concluded a five-year run on “Wetten, dass” last September. Despite the streaming trend, certain shows, like the mountain series, still resonate with the linear audience, challenging the assumption that only younger viewers prefer streaming content.

Over at RTL, the managing director of programming Inga Leschek is preparing to offer a TV comeback to Stefan Raab. RTL is to broadcast the entertainer’s third attempt at a boxing match. Raab, who suffered a broken nose last time around, was previously a face to viewers of ProSieben.

“Stefan Rabb disappeared for ten years, or at least he only worked behind the scenes. Now he’s keen to come back and I’m really pleased that he’s doing it with us. I know the process and I can tell you it will be the greatest thing he’s ever done,” said Leschek.

Deutsches Haus: Gaumont found success with Deutsches Haus, a five-part series centered around the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial. Despite Disney+ subscriptions, there’s still a desire for free TV broadcasts. Talks are ongoing about potentially airing it on free TV.

Gaumont has found success with a Disney Commission. Deutsches Haus, a five part series that deals with the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial. A show of hands in the audience found more than half had a Disney+ subscriotion, but still there was a craving for a free TV showing.

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