Nov. 1, 2024
Hollywood's production exodus from Los Angeles is accelerating, with unscripted and scripted content relocating to regions offering better financial incentives.
The high
costs of production in Los Angeles are driving TV and film projects to more
affordable locations. Historically, L.A. has been the heart of the
entertainment industry, but recent data shows a significant decline in local
production. From July to September 2024, the number of shoot days in L.A. hit a
historic low. This trend is attributed to the high costs of living and
production, coupled with more attractive tax incentives offered by other
States like
Georgia and countries such as Australia and the UK have become popular
alternatives due to their generous tax credits and lower overall expenses. For
instance, the popular show MasterChef is relocating to Australia, where
unscripted programming can receive tax credits. This shift is not just limited
to TV shows; feature films and commercial projects are also moving out of L.A.
in search of more cost-effective production environments.
The impact on
the local economy is significant, with fewer job opportunities and reduced
economic activity in the region. Despite efforts by local authorities to retain
productions, the financial allure of other locations continues to draw projects
away from L.A., signalling a challenging future for Hollywood’s traditional