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Feb. 20, 2024

Actress’s Entire Head Encased for Drama

After tugging and cutting the mold open, Chantalle and the staff managed to lift it off her head as she whimpered and wept from fear. While the staff encouraged and consoled her, telling her that she had done well, she also apologised to them.

In a behind-the-scenes glimpse, Singaporean actress Chantalle Ng shared her intense experience while creating a life cast for her character, Sera, in the Mediacorp drama Kill Sera Sera. Sera’s fate in the drama was particularly grim—she died under mysterious circumstances and was dismembered.


The process involved encasing Chantalle’s entire head in a thick green concoction, believed to be a mixture of silicon rubber and latex. Only her nostrils remained uncovered for breathing. Initially, Chantalle thought it would be a relaxing experience, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. She described it as “really scary”.


As the material was spread over her neck and even into her ear, Chantalle felt increasingly uncomfortable. When her eyes were covered, panic set in. She likened the sensation to being in a coma. The removal process was equally challenging. The cast blocked her nostrils, making it difficult to breathe. A team of staff members worked together to lift the tight mold off her head. Chantalle whimpered and wept from fear during this ordeal, but she persevered.

Despite the harrowing experience, Chantalle maintained a positive outlook. She expressed that if given the chance, she would do it again and strive to do better. Her commitment to her craft shines through, even in the face of such intense moments.


Kill Sera Sera centers around renowned art sculptor May Shaw (played by Hong Kong actress Jessica Hsuan), whose daughter Sera Sun (portrayed by Chantalle) was murdered and dismembered four years ago on a leap year.

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