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March 20, 2024

Anti-LGBTQ+ Attack in Thessaloniki Doc Festival

LGBTQ+ attendees assaulted at Greek documentary festival. Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival is reacting with shock when a mob began shouting abuse at two 21-year-old self-identified nonbinary people, then hurled bottles at them and chased the pair into a nearby restaurant. By K Dass.

Greece - The Thessaloniki Documentary Festival has taken a powerful stand in response to a shocking attack on a transgender couple during the festival. The incident occurred in Aristotelous Square, a central location in Thessaloniki, where a mob of nearly 200 black-clad youths verbally abused and physically assaulted the couple. The festival organizers have unequivocally condemned this act of homophobic and racist violence and have sent a resounding message of tolerance, inclusivity, acceptance, and visibility.

In defiance of the attack, thousands of people participated in a peaceful demonstration, waving rainbow flags, carrying banners, and chanting slogans denouncing homophobia and transphobia. The protest wound through the streets of Thessaloniki, echoing a collective determination to stand up against hate. Despite tensions and a heavy police presence, the demonstration remained largely incident-free.

The festival’s commitment to promoting queer cinema and celebrating LGBTQ+ voices is evident in its programming. This year, the festival introduced the Citizen Queer program, which aligns with Greece’s recent legalisation of same-sex marriage. Filmmakers, activists, and attendees have rallied together, emphasizing that they are not afraid and will continue to fight for a more tolerant and accepting society.

The incident has sparked conversations about societal change and the need to combat prejudice. As conceptual artist and filmmaker Fil Ieropoulos aptly puts it, “Greek society is abusive. It is a society that feeds on hate, and this isn’t going to change any time soon.” However, events like the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the power of collective action and the importance of standing up for equality and justice.

Citizen Queer program

The Citizen Queer program is a grand tribute within the 26th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival (held from March 7 to March 17, 2024) that celebrates and honours LGBTQI+ documentaries. These films focus on the liberating act of self-determination and have made a significant impact on queer cinema worldwide. The program features a diverse range of documentaries, including:

These films explore personal and universal experiences, emphasising the importance of community and acceptance. Documentaries probe into the early days and evolution of the LGBTQI+ movement, shedding light on aspects often omitted from official history books.

Most films address pivotal issues related to identity, the assertion of rights, and the promising transformations that have occurred and are yet to come.

The tribute includes more than 25 films, each offering unique perspectives and narratives. Following each screening, beloved artists, activists, acclaimed personalities from cinema and culture, as well as academics and scientists, engage in discussions with the audience. Notably, the special consultants for this tribute are Maria Cyber (Greece), Rico Johnson-Sinclair (UK), and Simon(e) van Saarloos (The Netherlands), all of whom have made significant contributions to LGBTQI+ representation and advocacy.

One of the films featured in the program is The Homosexual Century (Race D’Ep, 1979), a radical and inventive depiction of queer identity. This documentary traces LGBTQI+ history back to the mid-19th century, challenging conventional narratives and highlighting the resilience and courage of the community.

Through the Citizen Queer program, the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival aims to amplify LGBTQI+ voices, promote visibility, and foster dialogue around queer experiences and activism.

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