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Sept. 18, 2024

Johan Grimonprez at IDFA 2024

The director is best known for Sundance award-winner ’Soundtrack To A Coup d’Etat’.

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) has announced that Belgian filmmaker Johan Grimonprez will be the Guest of Honor at its 2024 edition, scheduled to take place from November 14 to 24. Grimonprez, renowned for his innovative and thought-provoking documentaries, will be celebrated for his significant contributions to the field of documentary filmmaking.

Grimonprez first gained international recognition with his 1997 film dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, which explored the history of airplane hijackings and the media’s role in shaping public perception. His latest work, Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat, has garnered critical acclaim and is expected to be a strong contender for the Oscars. This documentary delves into the decolonization of Congo, using jazz as a metaphor and means of protest to examine the international context behind the 1961 murder of Congo’s prime minister, Patrice Lumumba.

At IDFA 2024, Grimonprez’s work will be showcased in a comprehensive retrospective, including screenings of his notable films such as Double Take (2009), Shadow World (2016), and Blue Orchids (2017). The festival will highlight his unique approach to challenging narratives and reinterpreting historical events through a contemporary lens.

In addition to the film screenings, Grimonprez will participate in an extensive discussion about his work, which will be the center piece talk of this year’s festival. He will also curate a selection of ten documentaries to be shown at IDFA, offering audiences a glimpse into his cinematic influences and inspirations.

IDFA 2024 will also introduce new programs, including Dead Angle, a multi-year curated program exploring the symbolism of borders, and Spotlight on Cuba, focusing on Cuban cinema. These programs aim to engage audiences in meaningful discussions and nurture critical awareness through documentary cinema.

Grimonprez’s recognition as Guest of Honour at IDFA 2024 underscores his impact on the documentary genre and his ability to provoke thought and reflection through his films. This honour not only celebrates his past achievements but also anticipates his future contributions to the world of documentary filmmaking.

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