Dec. 20, 2023
A brilliant animation sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, this film consists of stunning visuals and a fascinating storyline that expands on the unknown concept of the multiverse. By: Dylan Low
Genres: Animation, Action. Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Distributor: Sony Pictures Releasing
+1 (310) 244-4000
Length: 140 min
Producer: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Amy Pascal, Avi Arad, Christina Steinberg
Production Companies: Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment, Sony Pictures, Animation Pascal Pictures, Lord Miller Productions, Arad Productions
This fan-favourite instalment continues the events of its first movies, consisting of captivating graphics, insightful film characters and showcasing complex themes known as the multiverse.
It provides plenty of fan service as well, with the main character Miles Morales getting to meet five other Spider-heroes, all different variations of Spiderman transported from their original universe after a major explosion inflicted on the multiverse. As Miles continues to face challenges of living a double life – balancing academics with extracurricular hero responsibilities, he faces a villain named Spot, a “trans dimensional super-being” who threatens to destroy the multiverse. With the introduction of a heroic group named the Spider Society, a taskforce of multiversal heroes protecting the multiverse from possible enemies, things get complicated when he discovers he could be the real threat to the multiverse.
This second film does an excellent job in building off the appeal of the original movie, while shining a spotlight on the multiverse, focusing on the main characters and the high stakes involved, without over supplying on fan service. This can be seen from its integration of clips and cameos from previous Spider-Man shows, which smoothly coheres with the film storyline.
As audiences watch the film, they will surely enjoy the compelling blend of visual animation, iconic action sequences (the pointing Spiderman meme) and historic references to the ‘80s ‘90s comics, appearing all at once in a large-screen format.
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