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Review Details


Jan. 22, 2024

Tetris (2023)

Situated in the days of the Cold War, this film delves deep into the backstory behind the creation of Tetris, the iconic strategy game. By: Dylan Low

Genres: Biography, Thriller


Distributor:  Apple TV+ https://tv.apple.com/sg/ 


Length: 118 min


Producer: Matthew Vaughn, Gillian Berrie, Claudia Schiffer, Len Blavatnik, Gregor Cameron


Production Companies: Apple Studios, AI Film, Marv Studios, Unigram



Situated in the days of the Cold War, this film delves deep into the backstory behind the creation of Tetris, the iconic strategy game. 


The film showcases less on the gameplay concept of Tetris itself, and more details regarding market shares, legal rights, and Cold War politics. 

Tetris entails the tale of entrepreneur Henk Rogers who places his savings into the game and looks to bring Tetris on the world stage, despite facing many obstacles such as a harsh political battle and death threats. In his trip to Russia to earn distribution rights, he forms a friendship and collaborates with Tetris creator Pajitnov. 


What makes this origin film standout to others is the fantastic casting of the main characters. Taron Egerton and Nikita Efremov did incredible jobs portraying their roles as Rogers and Pajitnov respectively, joined with the other cast members to achieve ‘a level of tension’ – makes the movie entertaining as a biography. Director Jon S.Baird heaped praise on all of his film actors, stating, “When you get guys like Taron and Toby Jones and Roger Allam and the amazing Russian actors we’ve had, these guys make my job a lot easier.” 


Additionally, the production of the film should be highly credited, in which production designer Dan Taylor reimagined the historical backgrounds of Russia, Japan, England and Scotland to portray the Cold War times of the past.


The notable film was also largely praised for its close to accurate depiction of real-life events. Both Rogers and Pajitnov confirmed the storyline was similar to their past historical experiences, with Roger mentioning, “They captured what happened to me over a year-and-a-half in two hours” and Pajitnov adding, “That was emotionally, intellectually and spiritually a very truthful movie.”


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