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April 18, 2024

OJ Simpson’s Attorney To Settle The Late Sportsman, Actor and Convict’s Will and Debts

After the death of O. J. Simpson, attorney and executor of the Simpson’s will Malcom LaVergne works to settle the late convict’s estate and debts. By Ching Wai.

US - O. J. Simpson’s long-time attorney Malcom LaVergne has been named the executor of the deceased’s will. The 76 year old’s last will and testament had been filed in a Nevada court last week after his death.

While the late convict’s family is currently handling funeral proceedings, LaVergne will work to settle Simpson’s estate and debts. All of Simpson’s other property had been placed into a trust in January this year, but the full value of the property remains untallied as of now. ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams said that it will be an easier process for creditors to claim what they are owed once Simpson’s estate has been entirely accounted for.

From the US$33 million that Simpson owed the Goldman and Brown families in 1997, the figure had accumulated to over US$100 million today. Of this large sum, the Goldman family had only received an estimated US$130 000. Simpson had also died owing a considerable amount of money to the IRS.

LaVergne had been surprised as to him being named the executor of Simpson’s will, and said, “I am flummoxed as to why he would name me as the personal representative or the executor, but he did, and it’s something I’m going to take very seriously.”

The attorney also previously stated, “It’s my hope that the Goldmans get zero, nothing. Them specifically. And I will do everything in my capacity as the executor or personal representative to try and ensure that they get nothing.” LaVergne later retracted this statement. It should be noted that while LaVergne is executor of the will, he may not have specific control over when and to whom the payouts will be given.

Amongst these settlements, owners of the Ford Bronco used in O. J. Simpson’s 1994 slow-speed chase are reportedly trying to sell the car for at least US$1.5 million, with public interest in the vehicle having likely increased with Simpson’s death.

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