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Oct. 23, 2024

Screen Australia CEO Emphasizes Coproduct

Brennan reveals her priorities in one of her first interviews since taking on the role in January.

In a recent statement, Screen Australia CEO Deirdre Brennan emphasized the importance of coproduction in the Australian film industry. Brennan, who took on the role in January 2024, highlighted that coproduction is essential for fostering creative and cultural exchanges and forming international partnerships. She noted that only six final coproduction certificates were granted in the 2023/24 financial year, indicating significant room for growth.

Brennan pointed out that Australia has a strong reputation for creativity and collaboration, making it an attractive partner for countries like India, Ireland, Canada, and France, which already have coproduction treaties with Australia. She stressed the need for Screen Australia to be future-focused, ensuring that the agency’s efforts align with the evolving needs of the industry and audience.

Under Brennan’s leadership, Screen Australia has committed to a thorough review of its operations and a research project aimed at better understanding Australian audiences. This approach is intended to optimize the agency’s impact and ensure that its initiatives are purposeful and effective. Brennan’s vision includes leveraging coproduction to enhance the global reach and influence of Australian content, ultimately benefiting the country’s creative talent and industry as a whole.

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