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Dec. 29, 2023

Trump Disputes Bullying Accusations, Touts Home Alone 2 Cameo Impact

Trump criticised Columbus, asserting that he was initially reluctant but ultimately agreed to the cameo, which, according to him, played a pivotal role in the movie's success. By: Wee Yan Ling

In a social media post on Truth Social, Donald Trump has responded to Chris Columbus’ accusations that he had bullied his way into a cameo role in the 1992 film, Home Alone 2; Lost in New York. 

On the social media platform, Truth Social, Trump had claimed, “They rented the Plaza Hotel in New York, which I owned at the time. I was very busy, and didn’t want to do it. They were very nice, but above all, persistent,” Trump wrote. “I agreed, and the rest is history! That little cameo took off like a rocket, and the movie was a big success, and still is, especially around Christmas time. People call me whenever it is aired.”

Columbus however had revealed in an interview that Trump had insisted on being included in the film as a condition for permitting the production crew to shoot in the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. Despite Trump’s denial, Columbus stated, "But he did bully his way into the movie."

Trump has retaliated and responded, “Nothing could be further from the truth,” Trump responded to Columbus’ statement. “That cameo helped make the movie a success, but if they felt bullied, or didn’t want me, why did they put me in, and keep me there, for over 30 years? Because I was, and still am, great for the movie, that’s why! Just another Hollywood guy from the past looking for a quick fix of Trump publicity for himself!”

Trump remains firm on the fact that his cameo was a key factor for the success of the movie whereas Columbus is adamant on his claim that the former president had bullied his way into the film. 

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