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Jan. 22, 2024

MPA’s Charles Rivkins Extends CEO Leadership for Three Years

Motion Pictures Association (MPA) has announced their renewal of Charles Rivkin’s contract as chairman and CEO for three more years. By: Dylan Low

This decision highlights the support for Rivkin’s vision of the MPA to be the “voice of the global film, television and streaming industry,” the MPA covered in a statement. Located in Washington D.C, Rivkin has headed the entertainment industry’s most major lobbying organization from 2018 to present.


“I’m excited to lead the MPA for a third term and to represent iconic member companies that exemplify ingenuity and innovation,” Rivkin stated. “As the world’s largest content creators, co-producing and investing in more local productions than ever before, MPA members are constantly pushing the boundaries of storytelling around the globe to delight audiences everywhere, on every available screen. Our members’ films and series are among the most accessible and prominent cultural exports, and they drive the creative economy both in the United States and overseas. This is the best job in the world, and I look forward to creating new ways for storytellers to reach even bigger audiences in the years ahead.”

The MPA’s main objective is to secure its member studios’ intellectual property rights by combating piracy, engaging in government relations, taking part in international efforts and partnering with law enforcement in cases involving intellectual property theft and piracy issues. The MPA also oversees the letter-grade content ratings for movies and actively highlights the interests of the film industry, making use of marketing campaigns and research initiatives.


“In the United States, the MPA worked with local coalitions to secure almost $8 billion in new budget allocations for production incentives last year – creating thousands of middle-class jobs and pumping millions of dollars into local economies,” the MPA released in a statement.


Rivkin previously took up a major position in organizing the U.S.-based Streaming Innovation Alliance (SIA), spearheaded by a bipartisan team with high expertise in technology, telecom, internet and digital policy to support federal and state policies that build on the “strong, competitive, and pro-consumer market for streaming video.”

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