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Jan. 29, 2024

Oppenheimer Premieres in Japan

Indie distributor company Bitters End has announced their theatrical release date in Japan for Christopher Nolan’s acclaimed movie Oppenheimer, which takes place after the Oscars. By: Dylan Low

The film will make its way to Japanese cinemas on March 29th, the company unveiled on Thursday. The premiere date will be two and a half weeks after the Oscars ceremony, (March 10th in Los Angeles, March 11 in Japan), where there is a high possibility of Oppenheimer winning several awards.

At the Oscars nomination event, Oppenheimer became the leading film, by achieving 13 total nominations, comprising best picture, best director and three acting nominations.

Despite achieving critical and commercial acclaim in cinemas worldwide last year – garnering up to $952 million – the film is considered controversial in Japan. The film showcases the two atomic bombs innovated by Oppenheimer and his team that were detonated in 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing many Japanese citizens.

The film was launched in most territories in July by Universal. However Toho-Towa, which usually manages most universal titles in Japan as a sub-distributor, chose not to proceed with the release.

In December, Bitters End stated that it had acquired the film “following months of thoughtful dialogue associated with the subject matter and acknowledging the particular sensitivity for we Japanese.”

“After screening the film, we feel Christopher Nolan has created a singular cinematic experience that transcends traditional storytelling and must be seen on the big screen. We invite the audience to watch the film with their own eyes when it comes to Japan.” Bitters End mentioned in a statement.

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