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Feb. 28, 2024

“Free Palestine” Protestor Interrupted the Film Independent Spirit Awards

The protestor disrupted the Film Independent Spirit Awards to advocate for the cause of Palestine. Standing outside the tent, the protester used a bullhorn to shout, “Long live Palestine! Ceasefire now! Free Palestine!” Despite the interruption, presenters and winners either acknowledged or ignored the disruption. Some even expressed admiration for the protester’s message, recognizing that real-world issues can intrude even in the glitzy world of Hollywood. By K Dass.

A Free Palestine protester disrupted the Film Independent Spirit Awards, making for some very awkward acceptance speeches. The incident occurred as Jim Gaffigan took the stage to present the award for Best Ensemble Cast. Just as he began speaking, a man’s voice started booming through the tent at the Santa Monica Pier. Despite the interruption, Gaffigan soldiered on, eventually having to yell over the protester’s voice to announce the winner: Jury Duty.


The protester, standing outside the tent, wielded a bullhorn and shouted, “Long live Palestine! Ceasefire now! Free Palestine!” The awards show organisers even pulled up a shuttle bus to try to block the noise from the protestor. 

Inside the tent, presenters and winners either acknowledged or ignored the disruption. Some even referenced the “heckler,” while others admitted they were inspired by what the protester was saying Babak Jalali, director of John Cassavetes Award winner Fremont, noted that the protester’s message was “far more important” than what he was going to say, eliciting applause from the audience.


This incident served as a sobering reminder to attendees and viewers that even in the glitzy world of Hollywood, real-world issues can intrude and demand attention.


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