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Feb. 29, 2024

LEAP Unveils a Creative Unscripted Odyssey

A pioneering initiative by TAICCA (Taiwan), AR Asia Productions (Hong Kong), and Something Special (Korea) have come together to elevate Taiwanese unscripted storytelling. By K Dass.

Taiwan - In a groundbreaking collaboration, Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA), AR Asia Productions, and Something Special have joined forces to establish LEAP, a creative lab aimed at training Taiwanese storytellers in unscripted productions. This innovative initiative not only nurtures local talent but also elevates the international perspective of unscripted content creation in Taiwan.

Top Korean producers play a pivotal role in LEAP, serving as program mentors. These producers, renowned for their contributions to hit shows like Physical 100 and Running Man, will provide invaluable insights and expertise to enhance the creative capabilities of Taiwanese creators. The infusion of international perspectives is expected to elevate the quality and marketability of unscripted content produced through the program.

The 9-month immersive fast-track program covers a comprehensive curriculum, including ideation, co-development, packaging, and monetisation of unscripted content. Strategically designed, it enables participants to create formats that can be successfully monetised both regionally and internationally. Beyond content creation, the program ensures that creators grasp the business aspects of the industry, fostering a holistic approach to their work.

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