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Jan. 22, 2024

The Impact of Generative AI on Media

The cathartic power of Generative AI (GAI) is reshaping the landscape of media and entertainment, as it opens our eyes to new opportunities and possibilities for creativity and innovation. By: Wee Yan Ling

As the industry embraces the possibilities and transformative power Generative AI brings about, concerns arise regarding job displacement, copyright, data privacy and labour disputes.


Generative AI has proven itself worthy of churning out various things such as text, marketing campaigns, visual content and is reshaping content creation in the media and entertainment sector. In the TV and film industry, actors now have their own digital twin. 


Generative AI is armed with the capability to train on the actor’s film archive and generate their vocals, gestures and create a more youthful version of them. This raises questions on the value of the actors due to the existence of their digital counterparts. This also leads to the question of the role of actors if their immortal digital counterparts are able to replace them.


It has been predicted that AI could automate 25% of work tasks in the United States alone. The various sectors include arts, design, entertainment, sports and media with a percentage of 26% potential for automation. 


The advanced and endless capabilities has led to the increased adoption of real-time virtual production, such as de-aging actors during shoots. This blurs the lines of actors’ physical and digital performance and has branched out to a series of issues, such as the concern of rights, use and the future of the Film and TV industry.

As Generative AI surpasses our expectations everyday of what it is capable of, a new Metaphysic Generative AI tool will be aiding Tom Hanks in the de-aging process in his upcoming film. It will also retrieve data and replicate performances and insert them into new movies. Another example is when The Beatles employed AI to their advantage in producing a new song.  


Generative AI is a double edged sword. The SAG-AFTRA and the Writers Guild had gone on strikes against the major players as they had raised their apprehension of the security of their job and the abuse of the Generative AI to replace their roles. 


In order to navigate this new landscape, content creators must be open to the idea of Generative AI and leverage on tools to augment their work. Celebrities, rights owners and studios must also advocate for capabilities and legislation to build trust, enhance rights management and render legal protection tailored to the challenges posed by Generative AI. By taking these measures, the Film and TV industry will be empowered to leverage on the technology to enhance their creativity and improve their storytelling. 


In today’s generative AI dominated world, it is salient to leverage on these tools responsibly to ensure a harmonious integration that amplifies rather than diminishes the essence of human creativity in the Film and TV industry.


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