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Aug. 2, 2023

Steven Spielberg Crowned with Eva Monley Award

The Location Managers Guild International (LGMI) is set to award the Academy Award winning director Steven Spielberg with the Eva Monley Award at the LGMI Gala, this August. By: Talia

The Academy Award-winning director has is presented with the Eva Monley Award, given to creatives who “made an extraordinary contribution to the art and craft of filmmaking through their commitment to the use of real location”. This is apparent on Spielberg’s well-known films including Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, E.T, Indiana Jones and more.

LGMI Awards Committee co-chair Rakich said, “Steven Spielberg is a giant in our industry. His work has touched, inspired, and entertained millions of moviegoers and filmmakers from around the world. His films are timeless and his influence on the motion picture industry is immeasurable. We are so proud to be able to honour him as this year’s Eva Monley Award recipient.”

Other recipients of awards presented at the Gala this year include Beth Tate, Dow Griffith and The Creative Coalition, who will receive the Trailblazer Award, Lifetime Achievement Award and LGMI Humanitarian Award respectively. The producers of awards this year include Erick Weiss, Honeysweet Creative, and IngleDodd Media.

In 2003, the Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) was established as a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation under the name LMGA. In 2016, it underwent a rebranding to accommodate its expanding international membership, resulting in the LMGI we know today. It is essential to note that the LMGI does not function as a labour union, and its primary focus does not involve representing Location Managers/Scouts in wage or working condition negotiations. Instead, the LMGI aims to foster collaboration, professional development, and networking opportunities within the location management community worldwide.

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