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June 12, 2024

Netflix Testing TV App

Netflix is testing a redesigned version of its TV app, reports The Verge, marking the first major overhaul to the app in the last decade. The new design is a notable departure from the current look, but it is more modern and puts more information about content front and center. By: K Dass.

US - Netflix recently revealed a major redesign for its TV app, which will roll out to select users soon. The video streaming pioneer wants to increase the time that viewers spend on the app to help retain customers and draw subscribers to its new, lower cost plans with advertising.

Company research showed users were performing what Netflix executive Pat Flemming called "eye gymnastics", or looking around to various parts of the Netflix home screen, when trying to find a title that interested them.

Dynamic Homepage: The static tiles containing shows and movies are replaced with boxes that expand as soon as your remote lands on them. This aims to improve navigation and make content discovery more engaging.

Streamlined Menu: The menu that used to pop out from the left side of the homepage is now replaced with a more streamlined selection of options at the top of the screen: search, home, shows, movies, and My Netflix.

A subset of Netflix's nearly 270 million users around the globe will see the new format starting Thursday. The company will take feedback, and possibly make changes, before unveiling it more widely.

Netflix has been emphasising engagement time as a key metric, telling investors it is the "best proxy for customer satisfaction". The company will stop regular reporting of subscriber numbers next year to shift Wall Street's focus.

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