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Feb. 6, 2024

President Biden Shuns Super Bowl Interview for the Second Time

The longstanding practice of interviewing the U.S. President before the Super Bowl seems to be fading. By: Wee Yan Ling

President Joe Biden is breaking the tradition for the second year in a row by refusing to partake in the pre-game interview before Super Bowl LVIII on February 11. The network has initiated a 15-minute interview that would be featured in the pre-game coverage. This marks a significant departure from the decades-long custom of interacting with the President before the highly anticipated event. 

President Biden's turndown to Fox News correspondent last year displays the departure from the mainstream since President Barack Obama's live interviews in 2009. Despite being a valuable opportunity to generate headlines, the President’s refusal has raised eyebrows especially in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election. 


The White House had cited a desire for viewers to shift their attention to the game, however the lack of insights from the President on current affairs, such as recent U.S. strikes and the political landscape has shrouded a layer of intrigue to the decision. The Super Bowl interview has been a highly coveted slot as it offers Presidents a chance to address the masses.

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