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Nov. 1, 2023

Documentary to tell the Story of Hamas Massacre at Supernova Music Festival

Israeli production company SIPUR is currently working on a documentary that sheds light on the tragic massacre event that took place on 7 October at Supernova Music Festival. By: Dylan Low

Israel-based production house, SIPUR will collaborate with broadcasters HOT Channel 8 and HSCC as they reflect on the tragedy of the lives lost and destruction following the terror attack at the Supernova Music Festival by the Hamas militants. They were responsible for 260 deaths of festival goers at the event. This assault was part of Hamas invasion into the border of Israel that caused 1,300 deaths, that sparked the current Israel-Hamas war.

Director Yariv Mozer, known for his filmography The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes and Ben Gurion: Epilogue, will be directing the film documentary, using exclusive content from participants and key individuals at the festival. The filmmakers look to showcase a clear insight into the festival before, during and after the tragic event took place. He will also make use of exclusive interviews with investigators, soldiers and journalists, alongside unseen footage from the survivors who were at the festival.

Paying tribute to the lives lost, the documentary is set to be broadcasted in Israel and around the world the following year.

 “I have seen things in my life. I have lived through wars; I have fought in wars and I have even filmed during a war,” Mozer publicly mentioned in a statement. “But nothing prepared me for the harsh images I have seen in the remains of the massacre that took place at the Nova music festival.

“I see it as my duty as a documentary filmmaker to bring to the world the testimonies and horrific stories from the survivors of this slaughter. Young women and men whose only sin was their desire for music, and the passion to celebrate free love, spirit and freedom.”

SIPUR CEO Emilio Schenker stated their intentions, “We have moved quickly to make this documentary, because we believe it is imperative to do everything in our power to shine a light on the greatest evil committed against our people since the Holocaust. The Supernova Music Festival must be seen and understood in its entirety to truly understand the larger meaning of the unspeakable crimes against humanity that occurred there. The world must never forget.”

Celebrating the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the Israel Supernova Festival was attended by 3,000 people, who were dancing to the music line-up focused on psychedelic trance - a popular electronic dance music sub-genre. However, it unexpectedly turned into the deadliest concert attack in history.

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