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Dec. 20, 2023

Updates on Jonathan Majors Trial

Famous celebrity Jonathan Majors, highly known for his starring breakout roles as Kang in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and featured in hit films such as Creed 3, is undergoing a court trial involving a domestic dispute with his previous girlfriend Grace Jabbari. By: Dylan Low

The Marvel actor is currently facing an assault and harassment trial in Manhattan, when he was arrested in New York City following allegations by his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari, that he assaulted her in the backseat of a car in March. She reportedly suffered minor injuries to both her head and neck and was brought to the hospital in stable condition, in a statement released by the New York Police Department. 

The latest news unveils that Jury deliberations have officially begun, after both parties have rested their cases surrounding the allegations at hand.

Backing Jabbari, the prosecution released details of the altercation, stating that the couple went through a conflict following Jabbari seeing texts with another woman on Majors’ phone, which resulted in Majors hitting her and dragging her back into the car when she attempted to leave. Later into the night, Jabbari dialled the police where she was found with cuts and bruises at their shared house.

Majors was hence arrested and charged afterwards with two counts of third-degree assault, second-degree aggravated harassment and second-degree harassment, in which he has pleaded not guilty to and denied all charges. 

The prosecution also further mentioned more about the situation before the March incident. They revealed a sequence of disturbing texts and audio clips in court, where Majors threatened to commit suicide back in September 2022 and said that he is a monster incapable of love.

His message wrote, “Last night I considered killing myself versus coming home” and “I will probably kill myself. It’s not really contemplating any more…I’m a monster. A horrible man. Not capable of love. I am killing myself soon. I’ve already put things in motion.”

The jury also heard their conversation where the American actor called himself “a great man doing great things”, prompting Jabbari to be more similar to Michelle Obama and Coretta Scott King, wives of ex-US president Barack Obama and iconic Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

Major did not testify on his own behalf. Instead, his Defence Attorney Priya Chaudhry mentioned that Jabbari was a liar, saying she was an ex-girlfriend who wanted revenge after the couple split up. She raised the viewpoint that after the alleged assault in the car, she left the vehicle and went to party with friends at a nightclub before returning to her home where she lived with Majors. 

They also brought in Naveed Sawar, the car driver of where the alleged incident took place. He claimed that Majors opened the car door trying to get rid of Jabbari. Sawar stated through an Urdu interpreter, “He was not doing anything, “and of Jabbari, “She was doing everything”. He also told the jury he “had a feeling the girl had hit the boy ... because of the way that she was fighting, and the sounds produced.”

As the world awaits the verdict results of Jonathan Major’s trial, serious consequences could potentially await him. If proven to be guilty, Majors could be convicted and face up to a whole year behind bars. 

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