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Jan. 29, 2024

Martin Scorsese’s New Jesus Film Aims to ‘Take away the Negatives’ of Organised Religion

Filmmaker Martin Scorsese looks to continue his success, having directed 2023 blockbuster film Killer of the Flower Moon, with an 80-minute film about the life of Jesus. Through his new movie, he looks to “take away the negative[s] … associated with organised religion”. By: Dylan Low

In a public interview, Scorsese had mentioned his thought process behind the project, which would be a film adaptation from The Life of Jesus by writer Shūsaku Endō. Endō is a Japanese Catholic, whose 1966 novel Silence was also previously adapted by Scorsese. Scorsese mentioned he and his writing partner Kent Jones had concluded the screenplay and were “swimming in inspiration” for a film reportedly situated mostly in current times that “focus[es] on Jesus’s core teachings in a way that explores the principles but doesn’t proselytise”.


Scorsese explained, “I’m trying to find a new way to make it more accessible and take away the negative onus of what has been associated with organised religion.”


The 81-year-old director added on by saying, “Right now, ‘religion’, you say that word and everyone is up in arms because it’s failed in so many ways. But that doesn’t mean necessarily that the initial impulse was wrong. Let’s get back. Let’s just think about it. You may reject it. But it might make a difference in how you live your life – even in rejecting it. Don’t dismiss it offhand. That’s all I’m talking about.”

He discussed the origin of why he decided to work on the film project – when he met Pope Francisin 2023 and took part in a conference known as The Global Aesthetics of the Catholic Imagination, run by Jesuit publication La Civiltà Cattolica. He told the press, “I have responded to the pope’s appeal to artists in the only way I know how: by imagining and writing a screenplay for a film about Jesus.”


Scorsese has had a history with films consisting of openly religious concepts. With his 1988 film title The Last Temptation of Christ adapted from Nikos Kazantzakis, it caused much criticism for the movie’s depiction of Jesus. His 2016 film Silence showcases the struggles of Jesuit priests oppressed for their religion in Japan, during the 17th century. 1997 also saw Scorsese releasing Kundun, a biographical film regarding the Dalai Lama.


The upcoming Jesus film is smoothly under progress, with the movie’s screenplay already written and plans by Scorsese to begin filming production later into the year. With an 80-minute duration, it is set to be his shortest film that he has directed. This estimated runtime is a stark contrast to his most recent film Killer of the Flower Moon that totals up to three-and-a-half hours, and even shorter than his film debut titled Who’s That Knocking At My Door, spanning 90 minutes.


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