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Aug. 28, 2024

Investigative Report: ‘Smiles And Kisses You’ at the Edinburgh International Film Festival

Sensitive documentary explores the relationship between a North Carolina man and his AI-enhanced sex doll.

The documentary Smiles And Kisses You, directed by Bryan Carberry, premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2024. This film delves into the unconventional relationship between Chris, a 36-year-old man from North Carolina, and his AI-enhanced sex doll, Mimi. The documentary offers a poignant exploration of loneliness, human connection, and the impact of artificial intelligence on personal relationships.

Smiles And Kisses You is set against the backdrop of a small, economically depressed town in North Carolina. Chris, the protagonist, works at a gas station and has struggled with forming meaningful human connections. His decision to purchase a sex doll, which he names Mimi after a woman he once loved, marks the beginning of an unexpected emotional journey.

The Relationship

The documentary captures the evolution of Chris’s relationship with Mimi. Initially, Chris is drawn to the doll because of its resemblance to the real Mimi. As he interacts with the doll, he uses an AI app to simulate conversations, allowing the doll to “learn” about him and respond in ways that mimic human interaction. This dynamic creates a semblance of companionship that Chris finds comforting and fulfilling.

Emotional and Psychological Dimensions

Carberry’s film is notable for its sensitive and nonjudgmental portrayal of Chris’s relationship with Mimi. The documentary avoids sensationalism, instead focusing on the emotional and psychological aspects of Chris’s experience. Through interviews and candid footage, the film reveals Chris’s deep sense of loneliness and his desire for connection. The AI-enhanced doll becomes a vessel for his unfulfilled emotional needs, highlighting the complexities of human relationships in the age of technology.

Smiles And Kisses You also raises important questions about the societal and ethical implications of AI in personal relationships. The film prompts viewers to consider the boundaries between human and machine, and the potential consequences of relying on AI for emotional fulfilment. Chris’s story serves as a microcosm for broader discussions about the role of technology in our lives and the ways it can both alleviate and exacerbate feelings of isolation.

The documentary has been well-received by critics for its empathetic approach and thought-provoking content. Reviewers have praised Carberry’s direction and the film’s ability to engage audiences on an emotional level. The film’s premiere at the Edinburgh International Film Festival has sparked conversations about the future of AI and its impact on human relationships.


Smiles And Kisses You is a compelling documentary that offers a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and human emotion. Through the lens of Chris’s relationship with Mimi, the film explores themes of loneliness, connection, and the evolving nature of intimacy in the digital age. As AI continues to advance, Smiles And Kisses You serves as a timely reminder of the enduring human need for genuine connection and the complexities that arise when technology attempts to fulfil that need.

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