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Jan. 8, 2024

Ready Player One partners with Warner Bros. Discovery to transform into Virtual Reality Experience

The platform aims to launch in 2024, promising a multi-world, multi-IP, and interoperable experience for mass consumers. By: Wee Yan Ling

Futureverse has released the news of the creation of Readyverse Studios, with partnership with Ernest Cline, the creator of Ready Player One and Dan Farah, producer of 2018 Warner Bros. film adaptation. The collaboration extends to a major rights deal with Warner Bros. Discovery gives Readyverse the exclusive web3 rights to the franchise and all future intellectual property by Cline. 

There are little details regarding the Ready Player One metaverse however, the company revealed it is expected to launch sometime this year. “Readyverse Studios is laying the groundwork to bring the promise of the open metaverse depicted in Cline’s ‘Ready Player One’ novel and the blockbuster film adaptation into a tangible reality: a multi-world, multi-IP, interoperable open metaverse experience for mass consumers,” the company said.

“The future has arrived even more quickly than I imagined,” Cline said in a statement. “With Readyverse Studios, we have the opportunity to leverage the revolutionary technology Futureverse has been building for several years to bring to life the best possible version of the metaverse. I’m confident with this team, we have the brightest minds and biggest hearts in place to lead us into the next chapter of our collective future… a future that would make Wade Watts and James Halliday proud.”

Ready Player One was directed by Steven Spielberg and has amassed $583 million in the global box office.

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