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Jan. 29, 2024

Directors Guild of America Secures Enhanced Terms in Post-Strike Agreement

The Directors Guild of America (DGA) emerges victorious after post-negotiations as it has secured enhanced terms in a new contract, including a viewership bonus for streaming shows. By: Wee Yan Ling

The Directors Guild of America opted to stay out of the strike last year, announcing the significant gains in their latest contract as it provides them with improved terms, including a viewership bonus for streaming shows. The development is followed after months of advocacy and challenging discussions with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). 


DGA members will now receive a 50% residual increase for their contributions to the most-watched streaming shows, this in line with the terms procured by the Writers Guild of America. Various areas have also witnessed an increase, which includes a 0.5% increase in pension and health contributions in both the second and third years of the contract.

The deal lasts for three years and was agreed on June 3, has marked a strategic decision by DGA negotiators as they pivot on the 21% increase in streaming residuals, which addresses the surge in foreign subscribers. 


The new terms also encompass the elimination of reduced rates for assistant directors and unit production managers on pilots and the first two seasons of streaming or pay TV shows. General wage increases, originally 5% in the first year followed by 4% and 3.5%, also take into account directors on streaming and pay TV shows, presenting a 3% increase in the first year. 


The DGA spokesperson had also expressed the guild’s commitment to protecting the creative and economic rights of directors and their teams and displayed his pride in the achieved gains and the safeguarding of the Guild’s Pension and Health Plans. 


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