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Nov. 2, 2023

Boris Johnson to Host for GB News

The previous Prime Minister of the UK is set to join GB News as a host and producer. By: Dylan Low

The UK TV broadcast channel has stated Johnson will play a major role in covering the UK general elections and US elections next year. 

Launched in 2021, the controversial broadcaster has been in the focus of many investigations by UK’s media watchdog Ofcom due to multiple criticisms from viewers. 

Johnson will be producing and representing the channel in a new series by GB News, recognised to show “the power of Britain around the world”. He will also host occasional special episodes with live audience.

Describing the transition, Johnson stated, “GB News is an insurgent channel with a loyal and growing following. I am excited to say I will be joining shortly – and offering my frank opinions on world affairs. I will be talking about the immense opportunities for Global Britain – as well as the challenges – and why our best days are yet to come.”

Johnson further elaborated, he will be giving this remarkable new TV channel his unvarnished views on everything from Russia, China, the war in Ukraine, and how to meet all of those challenges, to the huge opportunities that lie ahead.

Michael Booker, editorial director of GB News, said, “I’m delighted to say, GB News has got Boris ‘done’. We are tremendously proud to have him join the GB News family, particularly as we head into a seismic year of politics both here and across the Atlantic.

“Boris has been the most influential Prime Minister of our generation, and his unique insight into domestic and world affairs will be a smash hit with our viewers and listeners. As well as his political skills, he’s an incredibly talented journalist and author, so we can’t wait to start working with him on what will be must-see TV.”

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