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Dec. 5, 2023

DeAPlaneta Entertainment Launches App for Award-Winning Animated Series

DeAPlaneta Entertainment launches a novel educational gaming application for their multi-award winning preschool animated series Milo. By: Wee Yan Ling

DeAPlaneta Entertainment has collaborated with game developer Overtek, to promote and distribute the game. The app is an educational gaming application for families and encompasses values and objectives aligning with the animated series. 

The animated series had attained the prestigious British Animation Awards in 2022 and utilises role play techniques to venture the beautiful world of careers and introduces preschoolers a myriad of jobs in a positive and engaging way. The underlying message of the series is that all professions are wonderful.

The app allows for families, especially children from 2 to 6 years old to go on an exciting educational adventure to explore the world of Milo, the cat protagonist of the series while gaining new knowledge from the game. 

The application is free with no advertisement included. Players are able to access 4-mini games and a daily adventure with Milo. Some of the minigames include, “Choose your profession”, where players have to choose between four exciting jobs, “The daily adventure with Milo in Milotown”, where players can meet beloved characters in the series and complete daily missions. The application is also available in four different languages (Spanish, English, French and Italian) which allows for children of all ages to unleash their creativity.

The award-winning series whose second season is already in production and will be available in Fall 2024. 

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